About me

This is Shangshu Zhao(赵尚书), a Master student in Statistics at University of Pittsburgh, supervised by Dr. Chris McKennan.

I will apply for Statistics PhD programs for Fall 2022. Feel free to drop me an Email if you are interested in recruiting me!

Since 2019, I’ve been working with Dr. McKennan on metabolomics dataset to develop a new method that is capable of getting more accurate and powerful estimators of factors of interest. We focused on metabolomics data with nonrandom missing values and latent factors (McKennan, Chris, et al. The Annals of Applied Statistics 14.2 (2020)). The software MetabMiss, dedicated to metabolomics data analysis, is developed by Dr. McKennan and I to offer a cohesive pipeline of getting missingness mechanisms and improving estimates of effect size and variances.

Applying this techonology, we have successfully spotted metabolites from blood plasma metabolomic data that have been showed biologically vital to some disease, while others neglect.